See that my friends? That's the face of someone who just found out that they can not only see the official release date of my book, but pre-order it as well! Is your face mirroring this delightful picture yet?
The official release date for "The Break-Up Artist" is December 8th! And you know what that means?

Christmas present time! Just picture this. Your little ones running down the stairs/hallway/crawl space (if you happen to be Harry Potter) and finding a copy of "The Break-Up Artist" under the tree. Can you think of anything better? Well... maybe, but I sure can't!
And of course, the other exciting bit of news that I accidentally stumbled upon while studiously staring at my book on Goodreads (not that I do that often......) is that if you follow the link to Amazon or Barnes and Noble you can pre-order the book! So if you should feel so inclined I'll include the link to both Amazon and Barnes and Noble so that anyone who doesn't want to try figuring out which stores it'll be in can have it sent to their own personal mailbox/doorstep/PO Box.
Barnes and Noble
And then of course here's the Goodreads page which links about a dozen other online bookstores where my book can be purchased
Just ignore the fact that a few of the websites say the book is coming out on December 28th and that the Goodreads site says my book is just called "Break-Up Artist" rather than "The Break-Up Artist". Minor details right?
Until next time friends,