As many of you have been asking, I'm here to let you know why a number of my books suddenly cost $1,000 and are listed as "out of print" :)
I'm not a price gouger and I'm not giving up on being a writer. Quite the opposite actually! I wanted to hold off on this news until things got closer, but now that I've seen a certain GORGEOUS cover, I can't contain it anymore.
Because I love my book babies. And want to share them with the world. Like... I love my book babies an unhealthy amount.
First up, Parrish:
"Parrish", which was previously self-published, has been picked up by Future House Publishing, for the series! So the first book in the series (Parrish) will be re-released at the end of this month! And let me tell you something, the cover is the most beautiful piece of fantastic art ever! I can't wait to share it with you guys :) So because it's being re-released, it's currently showing on Amazon as "out of print" which, for some odd reason, makes Amazon think people will pay a crazy amount of money for it :) But never fear! Parrish will return soon with some new GIANT plot twists. Mainly, for all you people who were wondering who sent the letters and I said "wait until book two!". Guess what, you don't have to wait until book 2 anymore! It's now revealed in book 1. Along with a very pivotal reveal about one of the characters that I'd originally saved for book 2. So there you go. New reveals and twists and a fancy new cover that I'm seriously dying to show you guys!Second, The Sugar Coated Trilogy, and Under Zenith:
So you may have also noticed that suddenly the entire Sugar Coated Trilogy and Under Zenith are out of print as well. This is because I've gotten the rights back to those books from my previous publisher. They were good to me and we had some good times together, but it was time to take these books in a different direction. With Under Zenith, a lot of you have been asking when the second book will come out. Time for me to get super boring and technical. Because of the reversion of rights, the soonest Under Zenith can be re-released is June, which means the soonest I'll release the second book is June. Because we HAVE to see what happens to Golden Boy Temple and The Hick. And Jefferson Parrish may or may not show up in this book. And I love these characters way too much.And while the same goes for The Sugar Coated Trilogy, those three books may not actually become available in June because they're currently being looked at by another publisher. It's possible nothing will come of it, and if that's the case, you can expect The Sugar Coated Trilogy to re-emerge in all it's sugary glory with brand new covers and the same weird sugar addiction :)
Wow this is the longest, most boring blog post ever! It's because it's all so technical and legal and all that jazz. But if you take away nothing else, just know that there's a very good reason so many of my books went out of print all at once.
My favorite, awesome, lovely Future House Publishing is re-releasing Parrish at the end of this month! Under Zenith and the much anticipate sequel Beyond Lyra will more-than-likely be available in June! And The Sugar Coated Trilogy may be finding a new home soon! So these books will be available again soon and things WILL get better :)
So rest easy, readers! Fancy new covers for all the things are coming your way! Parrish has gotten a face-lift with some HUGE new reveals at the end! And all is well in the world of Shannen's obsession with writing :)
Can't wait to show you guys the new Parrish cover! Seriously though. It's gorgeous. Like, I can't even handle it.
Also, on a sort of unrelated note. If any of you have watched "The Goldbergs" (AKA today's gif inspiration for the blog) can we all just take a minute to agree that if Beverly Goldberg were Jefferson Parrish's mother, it would be the most awesome but unhealthily clingy mother-son relationship of all time?
I mean, they basically said the exact same thing!
"If you'd let me put cameras in your room while you sleep, Sadie, I would't have to worry about you."

Until Next Time!