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Friday, April 17, 2015

Welcoming book baby # 9 into the world

Happy launch day to Silver Lined!

This is sort of significant for me because this book marks my first time ever wrapping up a series, which is good because it'll be happening again shortly in December when I release the last June book!

(Insert my eternal sadness here)

I've been excited/terrified to release this book because... how do I say this without sounding like an idiot? The whole series has been leading up to this book? I know that's an obvious thing to say about the last book in a trilogy, but I've had things planned since the beginning of this series that finally come to fruition in this book and I'm sort of dying to see what everyone thinks of all the things that happen. And if you all hate me or love me.

Because there are A LOT of things.

So good luck traversing them. And once you come out on the other side, we can have a choffy (they're brewed cocoa beans and they're AMAZING) together and talk about all the little reasons you should have seen all the secrets coming :)


Until next time,
