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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Video Blog 3: Paloozas Galore

Hey folks!

Yeah I just called you folks. I'm eighty years old secretly.

So anyway, I know you can't get enough of my super awkward video blogs so I made another one! In which I name drop... a lot... but in my defense I was overwhelmed by the pure awesomeness of how many people I got to meet at Authorpalooza this year.

So without further ado, enjoy my awkward, grainy, name dropping video blog the third!

And don't forget to get your nerd on because "Pwned" should be released late next month! I'll post a video of my behind the scenes cover photo shoot... you know... once it happens. So be ready for that!


  1. Oh your videos are awesome! You make me laugh. I loved the name dropping. I know the authors you sat with I just haven't read their books yet! On my TBR list for sure though. :) I wish I could fly to author palooza every year. Amazing Utah authors!!!

    Clean Teen Fiction

  2. I wish you could come too!!! Can you imagine how much fun we could have!
