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Monday, May 13, 2013

Video blog 5: Live (sort of) from the 2012 Whitney Awards!

Hello friends!

I know how much you love my terrible video blogs so here's another one! Now you get to hear all about the Whitney Awards with a stunning lack of actual footage from the ceremony. It's not my fault... it was quiet and my camera made WAY too much noise when I turned it on.

And I have to add (because I forgot to say it in the video blog) my favorite part of the night was when the woman sitting at my table asked what caterogy I was in. I told her "Young Adult General" and she saw I was up against Lisa Mangum and went, "Oh...." and made a face. It was pretty much how I felt about being in a category with her. :) Her name pretty much meant I was just there for the food and to clap as she accepted her award because she's awesome and writes killer books. Killer as in good... not killer as in murder mystery.


Just watch the dang video :)

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