So this Saturday the 24th the official Sugar Coated blog tour starts! It'll be going from August 24th through September 1st! We're having a massive e-book giveaway, not to mention all of the fun blogs I'll be stopping by! Be sure to drop in each day to enter the giveaways and meet all of these fun authors and book bloggers! Here's the schedule:
Also, feel free to post the banner on your own blog to direct your friends to the awesome giveaway!
And last but not least, here are the Ah-mazing e-books up for grabs during the blog tour!
A big, HUGE thank you to all of the wonderful authors who donated their e-books to the giveaway! You guys rock!
Now, for the countdown blog today, I thought I'd give you guys some fun, behind the scenes info on the book cover photo shoot!
You already know from last week's blog post that Andrea, the girl on the cover, was 7 months pregnant during the photo shoot (holy cow!), but here's another fun detail. Trenton Davis (the photographer) and Brittni Willie (his fellow photographer) weren't sure that plain white sugar would show up well on film when they put it on Andrea's lips, so they had to experiment a bit with regular sugar, and later a powdered sugar mixture.
The end result of using the powdered sugar was actually perfect! They're pretty much geniuses for figuring this out!
Didn't that turn out gorgeous?
ALSO, the blindfold over Andrea's eyes is actually a lacy T-shirt that Trent and Brittni cut up :) I'm telling you, clever kids!
Pretty awesome huh?
Don't forget to stop by the blog tour! And come back for the next countdown blog post where I'll give you an excerpt from the book!
Until next time,
Blog tour stops:
August 24th: Elizabeth Anne Lance
August 25th: Kayla’s Reads and Reviews
August 26th: Young Adult and Teen Readers
August 27th: Cindy Bennett
August 28th: I Read Indie
August 29th: YA Book Addict
August 30th: Kathryn Cooper
August 31st: Jolene Perry
September 1st: AmBear Shellea